Senin, 20 Juli 2009

Lowongan CPNS Deplu

Halo2 bagi yang berminat daftar CPNS Deplu, silakan buka disini:
Pendaftaran mulai 21 Juli 2009.
Goodluck for everybody who want to try!
Jangan lupa belajar tips n triknya n latihan soal2nya ya..
Salam sukses.

Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009

O' Allah!

{Whosoever is in the heavens and on earth begs of Him. Every day He has a matter to bring forth [such as giving honor to some, disgrace to some, life to some, death to some, etc.]}
(Qur'an 55: 29)
When there is a violent storm and the seas are turbulent, the occupants of the boat call out, 'O' Allah!'
When the camel-rider and the caravan are lost in the desert, they call out, 'O' Allah!'
When disaster and calamity occur, the afflicted call out, 'O' Allah!'
When doors are shut before those who seek to enter through them and barriers are placed before those who are in need - they all cry out, 'O' Allah!'
When all plans end in failure, all hope is lost, and the path becomes constricted, 'O' Allah,' is called out.
When the earth, vast and wide though it is, is straitened for you, causing your soul to feel constricted, call out, 'O' Allah!'
To Allah ascend all good words, the sincere supplication, the tears of the innocent, and the invocations of the afflicted. Hands and eyes are extended to Him in times of hardship and misfortune. The tongue chants, cries out, and mentions His name. The heart finds peace, the soul find rest, the nerves are relaxed, and the intellect is awakened - these are all achieved when we remember Allah, Subhaanahu wa Ta'alaa - 'How perfect He is, the Exalted.'
{Allah is very Gracious and Kind to His slaves} (Qur'an 42: 19)
Allah: the most beautiful of names, the truest combination of letters and the most precious of words.
{Do you know of any that is similar to Him? [There is nothing like unto Him and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer]}
(Qur'an 19: 65)
Allah: He is the thought of when absolute richness, strength, glory and wisdom come to mind.
{Whose is the kingdom this Day? [Allah Himself will reply to His question]: It is Allah's - the One, the Irresistible!}
(Qur'an 40: 16)

Allah: He is thought of when kindness, care, relief, affection, and mercy come to mind.
{And whatever of blessings and good things you have, it is from Allah.}
(Qur'an 16: 53)
O' Allah, Possessor of Majesty, Magnificence, and Might, let comfort take the place of sorrow, make happiness come after sadness, and let safety take the place of fear.
O' Allah, Soothe burning hearts with the coolness of faith.
O' our Lord, Give peaceful slumber to the restless and serenity to disturbed souls.
O' our Lord, Guide the confused ones to your light and those that are astray to your guidance.
O' Allah, Remove evil whispers from our hearts and replace them with light, destroy falsehood with truth, and crush the evil plots of the Devil with your army of Angels.
O' Allah, Remove from us misery, affliction, and anxiety.
We seek refuge in You from fearing anything except You, from depending upon anyone except upon You, from putting our full trust in any one except in You, and from invoking anyone other than You. You are the Supreme Patron and an excellent Protector.

To be continued..
Contemplate and be thankful

Recite from Don't Be Sad by Dr Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni

Minggu, 07 Juni 2009

The Bible, The Qur'an & Science

In his objective study of the texts, Maurice Bucaille clears away many preconceived ideas about the Old Testament, the Gospels and the Qur'an. He tries, in this collection of Writings, to separate what belongs to Revelation from what is the product of error or human interpretation. His study sheds new light on the Holy Scriptures. At the end of a gripping account, he places the Believer before a point of cardinal importance: the continuity of a Revelation emanating from the same God, with modes of expression that differ in the course of time. It leads us to meditate upon those factors which, in our day, should spiritually unite rather than divide-Jews, Christians and Muslims.
As a surgeon, Maurice Bucaille has often been in a situation where he was able to examine not only people's bodies, but their souls. This is how he was struck by the existence of Muslim piety and by aspects of Islam which remain unknown to the vast majority of non-Muslims. In his search for explanations which are otherwise difficult to obtain, he learnt Arabic and studied the Qur'an. In it, he was surprised to find statements on natural phenomena whose meaning can only be understood through modern scientific knowledge. He then turned to the question of the authenticity of the writings that constitute the Holy Scriptures of the monotheistic religions. Finally, in the case of the Bible, he proceeded to a confrontation between these writings and scientific data. The results of his research into the Judeo-Christian Revelation and the Qur'an are set out in this book.

To download this book, click this link: The Bible, The Qur'an & Science

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2009

Between two loves..

For what we have, we are rarely grateful
For what we lack, we often restless
The grace we
only taste when it's gone
What is chased, boredom evokes
when it's already in our hand

The world is like ocean water
drink it will just add our thirst
passion is just like fatamorgana
on the desert

The heat stroke being thought as water
world and passion are like shadows
present in view, disappear in catch

God.. breaks up the world
staying inside my heart
for there I could
unite not two loves
Only Your love I hope growth
strengthen'd by the carcass of the world I slaughter'd

(translated freely from Raihan: Antara dua cinta)

The Right Path

Why are we here, where we come from
Where's our future, leading us
Where's our life, taking us
Show us the path, dear Allah

What are we, to do here
There must be a reason to be here
Ya Allah the greatest
Nor of these you create for waste

Show me the right path
The path of the favoured one with your grace
Show me the right path
The path of Rasulullah and his companions

Don't leave me please your guidance I need
Show me the way, light up my life
Don't leave me please your guidance I need
Show me the way, to gain your love

(nasheed Raihan)

When time is over..

How could you be so proud,
for the world which is so short.
How if everything gone and disappear,
left you all alone..

How if it comes the moment,
time stops without you even realize.
Is there still any road for you to come back,
to repeat the past..

The world is beautifully decorated.
everyone and every things will
be back to Him..

If time has calling,
true friend is just a good deed
when time has stopped
true friend is just a silence..

(Translated with some changes from Opick's song, Bila waktu tlah berakhir)

Jumat, 05 Juni 2009

Gerbang itu telah menyambutmu...

Masih terasa dingin kulitmu yang terus mengalirkan bulir-bulir keringat malam itu.. Masih terngiang keluh kesahmu akan beratnya cobaan yang harus engkau hadapi.. Masih terbersit rasa pahit berbagai jamu-jamuan yang harus kau telan untuk meredam nyeri yang tak terperi.. Air mata ini terus mengalir, mengenangmu, merindui kehadiranmu, beserta penyesalan atas kelalaianku untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagimu.. Maaf uwak.. maaf.. maaf ku tak mampu menemanimu hingga akhir nafasmu.. Sesal ini terus menghimpit kalbu..
Masih terekam dalam kenanganku ketika engkau tanyakan kapan aq akan menempuh hidup baru.. Masih kuingat pesanmu bahwa wanita yang sukses bukan dilihat dari seberapa tinggi pendidikannya, seberapa banyak kekayaannya, seberapa maju usahanya.. tetapi wanita sukses dimatamu adalah wanita yang telah menemukan pendamping hidup dan melangkah bersama merajut satu impian, satu kebahagiaan sejati, membina sebuah keluarga sakinah untuk menggapai ridho Ilahi. Dingin air mata yang menetes di pipi..sedingin titik-titik yang terus bermunculan di pori-pori kulitmu..rindu aq menyekanya..rindu aq mengusap kulitmu..menenangkan kegalauan hatimu..namun waktu telah membuyarkan segala impianmu untuk dapat menyaksikanku menempuh hidup baru..
Kini gerbang itu telah terbuka.. rasa sakit, pedih, nyeri, ngilu, takut, cemas, galau, sedih, sesal kini telah sirna.. gerbang itu telah menyambutmu.. memenuhi panggilanNya.. kini kau tak perlu lagi menderita, mungkin ini adalah jalan yang terbaik dariNya.. Semoga Allah menghapus setiap noktah dosamu beserta tiap tetes perih yang kau rasa.. Kini hanya doa yang bisa kupanjatkan seiring merindunya kalbu..selamat jalan uwak..semoga engkau mendapat tempat terbaik disisi Allah SWT. Amin ya Allah..ya robbal'alamin.

Ya Allah, Ampunilah dia (dari beberapa hal yang tidak disukai), maafkanlah dia dan tempat-kanlah di tempat yang mulia (Surga), luaskan kuburannya, mandikan dia dengan air salju dan air es. Bersihkan dia dari segala kesalahan, sebagaimana Engkau membersihkan baju yang putih dari kotoran, berilah rumah yang lebih baik dari rumahnya (di dunia), berilah keluarga (atau istri di Surga) yang lebih baik daripada keluarganya (di dunia), istri (atau suami) yang lebih baik daripada istrinya (atau suaminya), dan masukkan dia ke Surga, jagalah dia dari siksa kubur dan Neraka.” (HR. Muslim 2/663)

“Ya Allah! Ampunilah kepada orang yang hidup di antara kami dan yang mati, orang yang hadir di antara kami dan yang tidak hadir ,laki-laki maupun perempuan. Ya Allah! Orang yang Engkau hidupkan di antara kami, hidupkan dengan memegang ajaran Islam, dan orang yang Engkau matikan di antara kami, maka matikan dengan memegang keimanan. Ya Allah! Jangan menghalangi kami untuk tidak memper-oleh pahalanya dan jangan sesatkan kami sepeninggalnya.” ( HR. Ibnu Majah 1/480, Ahmad 2/368, dan lihat Shahih Ibnu Majah 1/251)

“Ya, Allah! Sesungguhnya almarhumah dalam tanggunganMu dan tali perlindunganMu. Peliharalah dia dari fitnah kubur dan siksa Neraka. Engkau adalah Maha Setia dan Maha Benar. Ampunilah dan belas kasihanilah dia. Sesungguhnya Engkau, Tuhan Yang Maha Pengampun lagi Penyayang.” (HR. Ibnu Majah. Lihat Shahih Ibnu Majah 1/251 dan Abu Dawud 3/21)

Ya, Allah, ini hambaMu, anak ham-baMu perempuan (Hawa), membutuh-kan rahmatMu, sedang Engkau tidak membutuhkan untuk menyiksanya, jika ia berbuat baik tambahkanlah dalam amalan baiknya, dan jika dia orang yang salah, lewatkanlah dari kesalahan-nya. (HR. Al-Hakim. Menurut pendapatnya: Hadits ter-sebut adalah shahih. Adz-Dzahabi menyetujuinya 1/359, dan lihat Ahkamul Jana’iz oleh Al-Albani, halaman 125)

Minggu, 24 Mei 2009


Gyaaaa.... finally I have finished my translation job for this MAD book..haha..
Soooo happpyyyyy......!!!!

Sunday morning...

I woke up early today.. hohoho..what a rare occasion.. Finally I didn't go to Ketep.. instead I went to Sunmor UGM with my friends.. I met my late friend's mom there, and realized how time has passed so fast. It's already 2 years since her son passed away because of leukemia. Looking up her eyes I saw sadness still.. Dear Allah, may You shower him with Your blessings.Amen.
Back to Sunmor, I saw many cute little dresses and bought 2 pieces for my cubby niece [she's going to jogja this afternoon..yeaahh..this week must be really fun!]
Humm.. Can't wait meeting my lovely niece..!!

Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009

Humm.. Ketep again?

Shall I come?? I don't have any plan for tomorrow.. just wanna go to Sunday Morning UGM with my sister.. the invitation quite tantalizing.. wanna see the beauty of this area.. wanna take a break from my daily routine.. humm.. still thinking.. shall I come??

my first step..

I feel a little bit mellow tonight.. remembering all the past memories is half bitter, but half sweet.. But I would rather consider it as something sweet.. When I woke up this morning I felt so tired even to take a breath.. so tired till I wanna give up.. but still life is never ending.. there must be something behind my creation.. thus.. I'm thankful that I still can taste the bitter-sweet of the journey of my life.. Alhamdulillah.. Thanks Allah..